Traditional Commission Prices

Status: Closed until I get supplies for shipping

My traditional art prices vary on size of the canvas, shipping fees, and complexity.
Most paintings are done on canvas panels. Please let me know if you would like a traditional canvas instead.
Be sure to read my Terms of Service before ordering.
General outline for prices.
If you are interested in ordering a painting, email me at:[email protected] and we can discuss the final price.

More information

Each painting is hand-painted using acrylic paint. I paint a variety of different subjects such as animals, landscapes, buildings, seascapes, and more. Don't hesitate to ask if I can paint something. The time taken depends on my personal life and queue. In general, paintings can take from a few days to weeks. Expect to wait at least 2 weeks before shipping as I have to wait a week for the paint to cure in order to prime, and I want to wait until the primer fully cures before packing. Priming protects the painting from dust, fading, moisture, and sunlight, and brings out the colors.

Feel free to follow me on my social media as I notify followers when my commissions open.
Also, I will occasionally list paintings on my Kofi. To order a painting fill out my commission form below.